Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Day 30 glasgow to drymen

Today, was just a great day, despite the sun never appearing once and it being hot, steamy and sticky. The stay in Glasgow, had been a pleasant one, well above expectations. Had a great meal by the YHA, the YHA itself had surprises, such a a shower en suite, although I only found that out after searching all floors of the hostel, then embarrassingly asking at reception. Had my first continental breakfast on the trip, cheese and ham croissants, more of those to follow at the remaining Scottish YHA's. Leaving the hostel through the cities "west end" is really nice, rows of Georgian properties made it a delight and I was soon well on my way to Milgreive, start of the West Highland Way (WHW). En route, stopping off at asda,s to replenish stocks and i just had to borrow a better means of shifting my rucksack. I was stopped exiting the car park and told to take the trolley back? So enter the next stage of the walk, finished was southern Scotland and here's a part I've partically been looking forward to. Of the roads for two weeks and into the country and mountains. Starting the walk, once again I was in isolation, most start on Saturday. Also having walked up from Glasgow it was now 11.00, others would be well on their ways. Memories of its of the walk returned, having done it some 8 years ago, but after the last days, it was so pleasing to the eye. Walking with a renewed bounce, I came across a group from Canada, doing the walk, a group who I finish the day with walking into Drymen. I can not recall whether I have mentioned Steve before, but after I started the walk, my wife had mentioned another person, Steve, from Redditch was in the paper walking the other way. I noted that we both were in Drymen today, so after contacting him, via his blog we arranged to meet in drymen. Steve, had arrived early and couldn't get into his room, so was sitting in the pub. I just had to meet up with steve, and for the first time this walk ended up having a pint before the end of the walk. Steve and I immediately exchanged stories and experiences and the following hour flew. Meeting later to continue. My B&B madness has occured again. Dingwall, where I'm staying on the 29th, phoned up as I was leaving Glasgow to explain how although taking the booking, she will not now be there. Would I like her to make an alternative booking? I explain where I was and I had neither desk or pen to write anything down that it would be good if she could and text me the info. Text, she said, I can't do that (scottish accent) so her son will tonight, I hope. What gets me is we have enter a mutual contact, I know that cause I've done contract law in my A Level Law, if I don't turn up, I have to pay, yet they can change their minds. Arrrrrrrhhhhhhh! It really has been a great day and a wonerful 32.0km,s.


  1. it must be a great feeling knowing the area you are going into, and at least the Dingwall lady let you know, not like the let down you had when you were knocking on the front door, when no one answered the door. the weather is going to get better for you in the next few days, we've had a sunny morning, but clouding over this afternoon, they say it's going to get warmer.bye for now Ma & Pa

  2. Well, it's disconcerting to have a reservation changed, but if she can find you an alternate accommodation, all's well that ends well. Good luck on that.

  3. 010100100111010101110011011100110010110000001101000010100000110100001010010001000110100101100100001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110000011010000110111101110100011011110110011101110010011000010111000001101000001000000110111101100110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001010100001101010010000001100010011100100110100101101110011001110010000001100001001000000111010001100101011000010111001000100000011101000110111100100000011110010110111101110101011100100010000001100101011110010110010100111111001000000000110100001010010001000110111100100000011110010110111101110101001000000110100001100001011101100110010100100000011000010010000001110000011010000110111101110100011011110110011101110010011000010111000001101000001000000110111101100110001000000110000100100000010101000011010100100000011010010110111000100000011001010111011001100101011100100111100100100000011000110110111101110101011011100111010001111001001111110000110100001010010100000101001100111010001000000101001101100101011000010111011101100101011001010110010000100000011100110110010101101110011001000111001100100000011010000110100101110011001000000110001001100101011100110111010000100000011101110110100101110011011010000110010101110011000011010000101000001101000010100100011101100001011110010110010001101111011011100010000001010000011011110111001101110011011001010000110100001010

  4. Russ,
    More word association to keep you busy - try and make the following connection in 5 words...

    From: En-suite
    To: Knob

    All the best!
    -gaydon posse
