After a night in the warm b&b and a cooked english breakfast, scottish style (big). I left the b&b and walked out of town, one kilometer. What i should have said was, i left items at the b&b, so had to return. When i'd discovered the fact i had left them, i put my (expensive) poles down to search my sack, when returning, i realised i had left my poles so had to go back for the poles first, before going back to the b&b. An additional 2km and half hour plus lost. I felt for the rest of the walk that i was chasing this.
Usually after walking on a ldp, for about 3 or so days, i get in the swing and almost glide along, enjoying all. I'm having trouble engaging with this walk, like usual, and can't put my finger on why. It just doesn't seem to be as diverse as others, the path is less well looked after, the scenery doesn't change, and there's too many flooded bits. Thats a few reasons, but i haven't emotional attached yet. Maybe another night in a bothy might work?
Thh things you'll do to get another breakfast, sorry to hear your walk has'nt gelled yet, but to us it seems you're doing ok, but perhaps it's early days, lv M & D.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry mate the SUW does have it's moments, definitely not the coast to coast is it, I put it down to It's being a very solitary walk Amidst all the forestry commission firs! I got a huge interest in mushrooms when walked it.... You probably understand what I mean by know lol!
ReplyDeleteKeep going and keep smiling the weather's looking good for you :-)