Wednesday 7 August 2013

Ncp day 4 seahouses to belford

Ncp day 4 seahouses to belford 17.9km
Today started with the choice of the inland route to bamburgh castle or the alternative beach route which required a tracing of our stdps back into the centre of seahouses.
Given the promising forcast a barefooted walk on the sand was a must. The impressive bamburgh castle was hidden by headlands and dunes until almost being at its doorstep, or should that be its drawbridge.
Leaving the coast and aiming inland, views across the massive sand estuary following bamburgh, holy island of in the distance on the coast and inland to the cheviots all presented themselves.
Later crossing of the east coast main line, following a phone call to the siignalman for permission to cross and a dart across the a1, where necessary before arriving at our destination of belford

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