Saturday 24 July 2010

Walk Update

Since last entry have completed two walks, with the fact I boarded transport bound for London on both.
Last week along with Carl (Follower) we headed into the capital to do the "Monopoly Board Walk, visiting each of the streets off the game and having a photo taken with each street name plate, Finding them was more difficult than navigating around the capital itself. A total of 28.3km was covered, partially because there is no street called Mayfair, so we hunted down the Mayfair Hotel in its place.
Question, which is the only place on the board south of the river? Answer in a later blog (As long as I remember)
Today I walked along the Severn Way (picture under M50 motorway) between Tewkesbury and Worcester, a distance of 34km, after catching the London bound coach from Worcester. The original plan was I was to drop onto some of this route when on the LEJOG on "Day 13" to get off the A38.
Well "13" is already covered on the blog dated 30 April, but because of shin problems I stayed on the A38. So I had decided to revisit this leg to sample the Severn Way stingers again. Previous times when I have encounter the Severn at Ironbridge and Bristol, I have fought and lost with plantations of stinger (today was no different)
The walk was interesting in the main but towards Worcester some diversions spoilt the walk by delivering you into Worcester on the road (bar the Cathedral stretch).
Where the Severn Way interacts with the A38, was very emotional, when doing the LEJOG I hadn't clocked the fact the path joined the A38 for around 500m, due to the distraction of pain on the day. But where I struggled due to my tight, which also hurt and resulted me walking backward on a slight incline was where the Severn Way joins, likewise on the bend in the road which follows was where I "had" to have a rest.
Anyway the legs were much better today.
Yesterday was 7 week since John O'Groats, the time I took to complete the walk, guess its getting further in the past daily, still working on the next, lets just say E2
An update on my "Simulated" JOGLE, a reminder if you forgot, whilst training on the treadmill I am recording the distance for the session and transferring it on the the JOGLE map (same route as the LEJOG) to date I have just passed the second accommodation at Latheronwheel, am on the A9 head south toward Inverness, I think this project is going to last a while, but it does help motivate me to get on the "Mill". Will publish a map in the future.


  1. Hi Russell,

    Do you plan to do just the British leg of just over 1400 miles finish at Harwich or Dover? Its bound to be another great adventure, can't wait!!

  2. Hi Russ!
    Glad the walking is still going strong!
    Like the idea of the monopoly walk have to use the Boot and Dog pieces in our case!
    How have you been since completion of lejog? my legs seemed to lock up with the lack of walking and even now over a month later going down stairs is a bit awkward!
    Hey ho life goes on eh?
    Good luck with E2 will be watching from the side lines (both of us!)
    The Missus starts her Lejog by cycle at the end of august so will have the pleasure of seeing alot of my route again........cant wait!

    speak again soon mate
